What is Somatic Bodywork?

“Somatic” comes from the Greek word “soma” which means living body. With somatic bodywork, we explore the relationship between the body and mind in relation to you psychological past and current beliefs that may be limiting you.  The body is our wonderful tool to express who we are.  It’s the place where we live out our life’s events, responses or reactions to those events which shape our psychological and emotional make-up.  These events often imprint within the body, by the way we hold our breath or hold subtle or not so subtle body parts, which over time, creates limiting set of patterns in which we respond to life with.  These patterns or ways of controlling ourselves, shape our personal conclusions about ourselves and about the world around us, as well as shape our emotional capacity or our emotional limitations.

When I work with a client systematically through the body, over time, they are able to let go of limiting experiences or let go of personal conclusions they may have about themselves and their world around them. As each person is unique according to their life’s experiences, each session is unique to that person and their learning curve. Through this work, a person may regain a tremendous capacity to heal, to forgive and to move forward powerfully again in their lives.  


"Let go of your limiting experiences."

Relieve Physical Stress:

  • Body aches and pain
  • Sciatic nerve pain
  • Migraine headaches
  • Panic attacks
  • Intestinal and digestion issues
  • Neck, back, lower back, joint pain
  • Not able to sleep
  • Not able to be present within themselves
  • Menstruation pain
  • Tension
  • Loss of sensation throughout the body
  • Your body being distant, dissociated or inaccessible 
  • Disinterest in sensual or sexual contact 
  • Feeling brittle, distant, cold
  • Not able to dream
  • Not able to taste food

Release Emotional Stress:

  • Feeling mistrustful of people
  • Broken heart
  • Feeling lonely, even when around others
  • Feeling unloved / unlovable
  • Feeling perpetual agitation, especially around others
  • Low grade anger, resentment, or resignation
  • Low grade intolerance for yourself or others
  • Feeling of grief, loss, confusion, or sadness
  • Feeling uptight
  • Lack of emotion, robotic through life
  • Overly stoic, with no grade of underlying emotions
  • Having to 'please others' to get your sense of value 
  • Not able to experience genuine joy or permission to experience loss

Heal Psychological Stress:

  • Not able to forgive yourself or others
  • Not able to 'move-on' in your life
  • Not able to adapt to new situations or persons
  • Not able to 'let go' of persons or situations
  • Not able to resolve past events, you go round and round in your mind about a person, or event
  • Not able to love or be loved by another 
  • Not able to trust yourself
  • Loss of creative flow or drive
  • Not able to be vulnerable, honest or genuine
  • Not able to be interested in what's next in your life
  • Not able to handle challenging situations or people
  • Not able to ask for what you want or what you need
  • Not able to stand for yourself, in intimate long term relationships or work environment
  • Not able to be clear in your aim in life

"Your body knows what to do."

What to Expect

Each sessions starts with a conversation.  The conversation will be based on what you would like to learn, let go of, heal, work through and grow more into.   Then we work together, in body-work, that slowly teaches you how to be present within yourself, how to pay attention directly within your body – how to become silent in the mind, how to breath again, open, free, expansive, and even feeling beyond your body in your breathing.  This will lead you into many personal experiences where you may feel your body finally letting go of long standing holding patterns both physical and emotional, and psychological.

You may experience images from childhood or what seems like from other lives, that move through your mind in vivid pictures, colors, smells and sounds.  Your body will begin to reveal to you, layers it may be holding onto and layers it’s letting go of.  You will begin to experience much more sensations, temperature changes, deep sense of relief, and a wellspring of clarity and usable, stable energy again.  Each session ends in silence, while your body continues to allow releases, and recuperate a deep sense of wellbeing and belonging.


After each session, I highly recommend not scheduling any meetings or needing to rush someplace for at least two hours, as you will continue to experience yourself deeply, and may experience challenge in trying to re-integrate quickly into your routines.


Past Successes:

  • Having had miscarriages, and able to move through the grief thoroughly and get right back into the full exploration and joy of getting pregnant again
  • Getting pregnant
  • Able to listen to others sincerely, instead of waiting to “be heard”
  • Able to ask for what you want... consistently
  • Able to notice things about people, to see them clearly
  • Able to be clear on what you feel, instead of the mix of "is it me or is it you" conversation
  • Able to stay in conflict with another, and find resolution
  • Able to feel what you feel, instead of hide, pretend or cover over
  • Able to be sincere and genuine with people
  • Able to be curious and open and want to explore life or relationships
  • Able to stop smoking, stop chewing fingers, stop pulling hair out
  • Able to trust yourself, even in challenging situations
  • Able to feel connected to the Field within and around them
  • Able to listen deeply with full awareness of sensations and feeling whether alone or with another person
  • Able to concentrate and focus
  • Able to be efficient, less scattered
  • Able to be kind and patient with themselves and others
  • Able to be direct, clear and open
  • Able to want to want again
  • Able to change career paths mid life stream and be happy about it
  • Able to find love and intimate partner again
  • Able to feel their body during sex, and enjoy sex with another
  • Able to stop harming themselves with sex, food, Internet addictions
  • Able to end toxic, harmful long term and short term relationship
  • Able to be a better parent to their children, listening and adapting in life with them instead of ordering them about
  • Able to take others into consideration
  • Able to stand on their own, while feeling connected to others
  • Able to feel grounded, rooted and on their life's path
  • Able to keep learning, adapting and being generous